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Exploring Career Resilience: Top Lessons from Accomplished Women Leaders

When we’re in the most difficult seasons of life, we often wonder what good can come out of our struggles. Sometimes, when we reflect, we recognize the lessons we carry from our hardships and how they guide us toward new possibilities. We try our best to open ourselves up to opportunity, never knowing where each door will take us—but trusting that our intuition will lead us somewhere worthwhile. 

A successful career doesn’t solely consist of victories and celebrations; it has its share of growing pains, too. It’s important to acknowledge both if we want to nurture an impactful roadmap for others, especially those walking similar paths. 

At CCWomen, an inclusive platform for women and allies, we believe in the power of authentic storytelling and actively creating a future where all voices are heard at the table. Here, we give the stage to three women leaders who’ve nurtured their career resilience and have pivotal lessons that help them navigate their successes today. 

1. Recognize your innate value before pursuing any career. 

Huyen Nguyen, Financial Planner, Inclusive Wealth Financial Planning LLC

As an Asian woman moving to America at 19 and living through some challenges in my 20s and 30s, I feel compelled to share my experience with other women. I grew up in a culture that can be said to be "opposite" to American culture. Being thrown into a completely different environment was tough but also a lucky draw for someone like me. I battled and struggled and learned from the crashes in the cultures of the Vietnamese and American people. I eventually love and admire so many aspects of American values. I married cross-culturally. Only to find out that no matter where you come from, working on your own growth and challenges is the best way to make a marriage work.

I found myself a single mom when my youngest was one year old and my oldest was five while I was a stay-at-home mom with a few thousand in savings. I could've picked both kids up and gone back to Vietnam but I refused to. For some reason, I know I have a better chance of success here in America. I buckled down, worked part-time then found a full-time job that allowed me to work from home and be flexible with raising children. There were times when the work was often late, overloaded, and overstressed. The demands of being a mom to two young children and working full-time often left me fatigued. Yet I plowed through and never gave in to giving up. 

As my children grew up, I realized my job and my future needed to grow with them as well. I started reflecting more on what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I, for many years prior, wanted to work as a financial advisor helping individuals with their finances. I went back to graduate school and got my Master's Degree in finance. I was going through grad school while working full-time and raising two kids on my own.

When I graduated, I got a job as a financial advisor at a local registered investment advisory firm (RIA). There I started from the bottom up again after almost a decade working as an underwriter. I was ecstatic to finally live my dream. I dug in and learned voraciously. I eventually branched out and opened my own RIA, passed my CFP® exam to become a Certified Financial Planner (TM) professional. I am now in the beginning phase of owning my business and building out my dream to be inclusive of more people.

I went through all of the above events in the last decade and a half. I would say it was not an easy path but nothing good in life comes easily. I learned so much about myself, how resilient, resourceful, strong, and determined I am. I learned to value myself first and foremost, that I am a smart, capable, compassionate human being. There were a lot of lies spoken about girls and women in the past in my life. I have proved to myself that those lies have no domain in saying who women are, what they can do, and what they can achieve. 

2. Amid doubt, keep yourself flexible and open to any opportunity.

Dunn_152Nicole Dunn, CEO, Dunn Pellier Media

Growing my business from the ground up has been a journey filled with challenges, but each obstacle has taught me valuable lessons in resilience. As a former Senior Level Television Producer, transitioning to the PR industry was a leap of faith. I faced skepticism and uncertainty, but I persevered, fueled by my passion for health and wellness and my belief in the power of storytelling.

Through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, I've learned the importance of adaptability and perseverance. Flexibility is key in an ever-changing industry, and being able to pivot and innovate has been crucial to our success. I've also learned the value of surrounding myself with a strong team of talented individuals who share my vision and dedication.

My personal experiences have empowered me to trust my instincts and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Whether it's navigating the complexities of media relations or overcoming setbacks, I approach each situation with determination and resilience.

Today, I'm proud to lead a thriving PR firm that helps wellness brands make a lasting impact in the media landscape. My journey has taught me that resilience isn't just about bouncing back from adversity, it's about using setbacks as stepping stones to success and never losing sight of your passion and purpose.

3. Practice career resilience with a trusted network.

Allyson Gagliardi, Legal Practice Director, Rockwell Family Law

Having practiced family law for almost 20 years, I have faced numerous difficult circumstances that have strengthened my professional resilience. Since 2003, I have focused on complicated family matters, and I have seen many situations where the emotional and legal intricacies may have been too much to handle.

The value of emotional intelligence in the profession of law is one of the most important lessons I've learnt. It's been essential for me to be able to control my emotions and comprehend those of my clients. This ability has not only made it easier for me to handle difficult circumstances, but it has also improved my ability to support my customers and get better results.

Moreover, having a robust professional network has given me power and influence throughout my employment. This network has shown me that I don't have to confront challenges alone because it offers possibilities for growth as well as assistance. Through these experiences, I've learned the importance of resilience and adaptability qualities that help me succeed in my line of work and that I continue to cultivate.

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