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"Making the jump from thinking about [a career switch] to taking action is where many of us get stuck. We wait to feel 100% ready, have all the resources, and get everything lined up. In my experience, we just have to give ourselves the benefit of the doubt, have the self-compassion to make mistakes, learn more about ourselves, and keep going."

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Lucy Todd is a certified professional coach who empowers women to create their dream career roadmap and gain the confidence to pursue their goals. Having overcome burnout and tapped into her passion for helping others, she leverages her personal experiences to demonstrate how self-compassion and courage are at the core of transformation—and within arm’s reach.

During our discussion, she dives into why we need to hone our self-advocacy skills when exploring our professional needs, and provides actionable takeaways for paving a new and more meaningful path.

For more on the similarities and differences between therapy and coaching, check out Lucy's blog post: Therapist, Coach, or Mentor: How To Decide What’s Right For You.

To connect with Lucy, join her email list or book a free intro call at lucytoddcoaching.com