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How to Achieve Your Career Goals and Maintain Balance with Colleen Beers



Our CCWomen Founder, Sandy Ko, recently sat down with Colleen Beers to spotlight her story and dive into her insights. As the Global Executive of Trust and Safety at Alorica and a proud CCW board member, Colleen brings more than two decades of leadership to the table, helping transform contact centers from the ground up. 

With boldness, confidence, and transparency, she shared what it looks like to grow professionally while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Parent, partner, professional—we juggle countless responsibilities and titles in ways that might not always be sustainable. 

Fortunately, Colleen had several takeaways for fostering a more well-rounded life in and out of the workplace. Here are just a few.

1. “Shift your mindset.”

When faced with our shortcomings, our automatic response may be to criticize ourselves and doubt our abilities. While it’s important to acknowledge our learning gaps, constantly pinpointing the negatives can gradually hinder us. Instead of fixating on one mistake, consider the lessons it taught you—and how you’ll allow it to empower your decisions moving forward. 

“I overcame my own situations by saying, out loud, whatever I needed to hear: you are smart. You can do this.” shared Colleen, “Especially as women, we must verbalize our positivity. The minute negativity flies out of your mouth, rebuke it, then rephrase it. We need to learn how to be the best advocates for ourselves.” 

2. “Set clear expectations and boundaries.” 

As a mom and professional, Colleen had to identify her needs and find ways to balance them with her work tasks. Whether her children's doctor’s appointments or an important football game, she realized there were moments when her personal priorities preceded her work. 

PTOs are there for us to freely use, but data suggests that women are 19% less comfortable taking paid days off than men. There can be several reasons why, but prioritizing our calendar with a holistic lens is essential. Need to catch an earlier flight for a long weekend getaway? Or do you simply want to spend a day away from the office and catch up on your errands? Both scenarios are valid reasons for taking PTO, and the best part is that you don't have to justify yourself. Colleen further emphasized this point: “You don’t have to express to everyone why you’re taking off or what you’re going to be doing all the time. Men don’t tell us when they go play golf.” 

3. “Recognize the importance of community.” 

By now, we’ve shared several content pieces on why belonging is important for our growth. When we surround ourselves with allies who nurture our potential, we can thrive without limits and make a mark in every role we inhabit. “I always believed in serving. A lot of my success came from helping others out. It’s not an I, it’s a we.” noted Colleen.

She also credited her leaders for acknowledging her strengths and investing in her growth. “You have to be you. Be direct. Be confident in your skills, and if [a company] won’t have you, leave and find an organization that embraces you for who you are.” stated one of her mentors. 

4. “Remember where you come from, and always give back.” 

“I still rely on my hometown!” said Colleen. “They bring me back to my grassroots and remind me how I was raised, why diversity matters, and how I got to where I am. I like to say I was fostered into the CX space.” 

In the same realm of prioritizing community, paying it forward enables us to empower those who stand where we once stood—and equip them with the insights that allowed us to reach our career goals. See someone wanting to learn more about your industry? Schedule a virtual coffee chat. Notice an exciting opportunity that might be a good fit for an acquaintance? Reach out and get them connected. 

It may be a small act for us, but to others, it can be the first page of an exciting new chapter. 

CCWomen InfographicCraving more career insights? 

CCWomen is a platform made by women, for women and allies. We offer the mic to industry changemakers who join us in our mission to transform the workplace, making it more diverse and equitable for all. 

If you want to hear more from our guest speakers, we’re not done just yet! Next, we have Martha Sager discussing the power of hyper-personalization and genuine connection. Don’t miss out—register to join us on November 30th

We can’t wait to see you there.

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