CCWomen Content

How to Achieve Mindful Productivity in a High-Pressure World

Written by Shiwon Oh | Dec 19, 2023 4:50:38 PM

We live in an increasingly high-pressure world—for better or for worse. Every day, we face  innovations and changes that require us to shift gears quickly. Sometimes, we may feel more like cogs in a machine than living, breathing people who need rest and restoration outside our careers. If not for proper work-life balance, it becomes dangerously easy to fall into burnout. 

According to Gallup’s 2022 State of the Global Workplace report, employee stress has reached record highs since the pandemic. Many factors are at play, but some primary concerns include exhaustion, decreased productivity, and irritability toward employees’ respective work communities. 

When faced with these common burnout symptoms, we must know how to slow down and incorporate changes that will allow us to recharge. Here, we’ll explore a few mindful productivity practices to get you started. 

1. Limit your personal screen time. 

Internet users spend an average of six hours and 37 seconds on their screens. If we know that excessive screen time negatively impacts child development by increasing risks for sleep disorders and mental health issues, we can imagine that adults face similar struggles. 

This doesn’t imply that you have to cancel your Netflix subscription or lock your phone away. However, being more mindful of your screen intake may help you discover other leisurely activities more beneficial for your overall health. For instance, screen time before bed can cause insomnia—so why not opt for a book instead? Or, you might find yourself constantly flicking through your phone notifications during work hours. Turn on Do Not Disturb or install extensions blocking sites that may distract you. 

2. Schedule regular movement breaks.  

Unless office workers make it a habit to exercise regularly, most live a relatively sedentary lifestyle, which is proven to increase your mortality rate. Therefore, incorporating movement breaks into your schedule is essential, no matter how busy you may be. 

Movement breaks remind you to do what you’d expect: move. It can look like walking out of the office for fresh air and coffee or taking a quick stroll around the house to check up on loved ones. One study reveals that when presented with “booster breaks” that required small amounts of exercise, participating employees decreased their stress and increased their health awareness. So, find a low-effort strategy that works best for you, and stick to it to see long-term results. 

3. Become comfortable with saying no. 

Learning to say no is far from easy, but it’s a necessary process, especially for women who want to advocate for themselves in the workplace. The Guardian states that women spend close to 200 more hours on “non-promotable” work than their male colleagues. Lise Vesterlund, an economics professor, explained that this is due to women receiving more of this type of work than men and their hesitancy in saying no. 

Again, when you overexert yourself and accept more than you can handle, burnout becomes inevitable. Saying no lets you focus on your priorities and keep your head in the game, even if the initial refusal is uncomfortable. The first time is always the hardest—but as you continue to speak up and take up your own space, you’ll find that your coworkers will also learn how to respect your boundaries. 

4. Make intentional time for fun. 

“Work hard, play hard” is a grievously overused phrase, but there’s undeniable truth in it. Fun has important benefits—improved health, relationships, and productivity—and helps you balance responsibilities with more joy and humor. 

There’s a difference between an isolated, monotonous workday and a memorable, laughter-filled shift with your favorite coworkers. Moreover, balancing hardships with plenty of positive experiences is what keeps many of us moving forward. Fun reminds us that, at the heart of every human, happiness and safety are of utmost importance—and our joyful moments nurture an environment where both can thrive. 

Achieve mindful productivity with CCWomen. 

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